
Wavemaker placement in reef tank
Wavemaker placement in reef tank

wavemaker placement in reef tank

Eventually they’ll become encrusted with a naturalistic patina of coralline algae anyway, so they won’t be as visually distracting. Get the rock in and then decide where you want and need more flow. That all depends on where the liverock is placed, since tha rock will create deadspots around and behind it. If you’re unable to achieve the desired water movement with the powerheads tucked away behind rocks, it’s better to leave them out in the open. The placement of power heads all depends on where you need more flow. Keep in mind that hiding powerheads in rockwork can easily limit their output if you’re not careful in their placement. Good water circulation is absolutely essential in a reef system, so any aesthetic consideration with respect to powerheads should come in a very distant second to the flow they provide. It is possible to conceal powerheads among the rockwork in a reef system, but before attempting to do so, you’ll need to consider each of the following important points: Proper flow trumps aesthetics Today we will talk about why proper flow is important give a solid overview of most the pump options out there including ac powerheads, wave makers, DC powe. Is there any reason I can’t hide them in the rocks?” – Submitted by Amir Answer To my eye, they stand out like a sore thumb, and I want my tank to look as naturalistic as possible. My problem is, while the powerheads are providing good water flow, I hate the look of them. But I like to know before I start scaping. I know I might be jumping the gun a little. Unfortunately with powerheads you have to play with their placement and the actually gph. Back right facing up and slightly to the front, towards the overflow or you will get a lot of surface scum build up. If you have sps, high turbulent flow is necessary but if you keep lps high flow can damage them and close them up. Its placement is according to rock work, coral placement, and the types of corals you keep. One is mounted in the upper right-hand corner of the tank near the back and the other is in the lower left-hand corner near the front. Powerhead placement is different in every tank. I have a new 60-gallon reef tank, and I’m using two powerheads to provide water circulation.

Wavemaker placement in reef tank